NOM Server Docker container

For every NOM release, a Docker image for the NOM server is published to the Docker Hub verified repository.

Getting the NOM server Docker image

The latest NOM server image can be pulled from the verified repository by running the following command.

docker pull neo4j/neo4j-ops-manager-server:latest

NOM server in a Docker container can be run in several contexts such as a Docker compose environment or a in a Kubernetes cluster etc. This chapter focuses only on running a standalone NOM server in a Docker container (henceforth referred as NOM server container).

Running a NOM server in a Docker container

Securing NOM server involves configuring keys and certificates for the TLS connections that the server makes with the UI and the agents. For testing purposes, self-signed certificates can be used. Refer to Installation > Self-Signed-Certificate on how to generate self-signed certificates.

To successfully start the NOM server container, mandatory runtime parameters should be set. Refer to Server installation for the complete parameter list. There are two ways these parameters can be provided to the container:

  1. As command line options

    docker run -e "JAVA_OPTS=<Value>" neo4j/neo4j-ops-manager-server \
        --spring.neo4j.uri=<Value> \
        --spring.neo4j.authentication.username=<Value> \
        --spring.neo4j.authentication.password=<Value> \
        --server.port=8080 \
        --server.ssl.key-store-type=PKCS12 \
        --server.ssl.key-store=<Value> \
        --server.ssl.key-store-password=<Value> \
        --grpc.server.port=9090 \ \<Value> \<Value> \
  2. As environment variables

    docker run \
        -e "JAVA_OPTS=<Value>" \
        -e "SPRING_NEO4J_URI=<Value>" \
        -e "SPRING_NEO4J_USERNAME=<Value>" \
        -e "SPRING_NEO4J_PASSWORD=<Value>" \
        -e "SERVER_PORT=8080" \
        -e "SERVER_SSL_KEY_STORE=<Value>" \
        -e "SERVER_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD=<Value>" \
        -e "GRPC_SERVER_PORT=9090" \
Make sure to replace the arguments with values adjusted to your environment (<Value>). Refer to Installation > Server Installation


For a standalone NOM server container resource constraints can be set as documented by Docker runtime constraints on resources.